Thursday, November 24, 2011

The remote central locking button on my car key has broken?

The actual button is missing so there is just a silver/black cirlce where the button should be. Can only a dealer do it or can any car security/alarm company do it? Also is it likely to be expensive? The car is a Fiat Punto.|||See if you can get a keyfob from a scrapped car. Take it apart and remove the button, then place it in the keyfob you have. The Silver/Black circle is the contact on the pcb, and the button just shorts them to make it work. Alternative is press something metalic across the contacts in an emergency (such as a key, coin, etc).|||fiat dealer and sorry you will have too

have a new key and yes very expensive.!!|||be cheaper to go to independent auto elec who can do you a new blip fob its easy to do if you know how i know someone but probably a million miles from you am sure you could find someone

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