I had the car battery and fused replaced yesterday, And since the clock, central locking and radio/cd dont work!
I cant put in the security code or whatever. Because it dosnt display anything at all!!!
Please Helppppppppp:(|||if you have the car manual see what needs to be done to reset when battery is replaced|||Hi,
Get it straight back to the shop that did the work and ***** them out as fast as you can - dont start playing with things just yet or you really will own the problem, push them to sort it out - they are the pros after all.
I am guessing that the car starts and runs - right? or did you change the battery and fuses yourself? obviously if the car wont start you would have posted a different question.
I hope its not a mid-90's BMW..... heard plenty of similar stories about them frying electrics in similar cases
Assuming that you own the problem just start doing things logically, sounds like there could be still be a fuse problem so best to recheck this first, if still no go then start with your radio (you have a key for the doors and a watch on your wrist anyway), check for your power supply first (a multimeter would be great but a 12V lightbulb and a bit of electrical cable will be fine too) and just take your time to work it out logically from there.|||The car radios of today have security features that if power is lost or radio is removed from the car that the radio will become nonfunctional. The radio will prompt you to enter a code to unlock the radio. If you do not know the code then you will need to take it to the dealer to have them unlock it.|||Make sure the battery can actually supply enough current (Amps) to your car to make those things work. If it is, then the only thing I can think of is fuses. Maybe they made a boo-boo with the replacement and popped all the new fuses. It's completely possible, a single stray wire will make them all go bye-bye.|||make sure its the same battery as your old one.
make sure its connected properlly
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